Thursday, March 23, 2023

Spring Around Us

On Saturday, Porcia, a 21-year-old North Atlantic right whale, and her calf were the first of the right whales to arrive in Cape Cod Bay for the season.

Picture from the Internet

We didn't see them.

On Tuesday morning, the seagulls were feasting on a flounder in front of our beach house.

Look-Out Gull Keeping Fatty Wampus Away

On Tuesday afternoon, the crocuses in front of Christina and Lou's house greeted us. They weren't about to let some dead leaves left behind by the fall clean up get in their way.

On Tuesday night, the Big Dipper hung gloriously from an invisible peg board in the sky. 

Picture from the Internet

The glorious stars were followed by a glorious sunrise yesterday morning.

For the first time, we saw some swans, which glided by our house in glorious serenity.

Swan Bay

I love it here.

Friday, March 17, 2023

The Traveling Detrital Beach Chair

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! The storm is behind us. The storm shutters, which had been down since Sunday, are back up. I wish I could say the sun is shining, and the sea is resplendent with multiple shades of blue and green. Neither is the case, however. Both the sky and sea are gray. The bay is calm, with the tiniest of breakers limping along the water's edge. Still, despite the dullness, it's nice to see all of it after so many days of being shut out.

The storm was worse inland. Some areas northwest of Boston received well over two feet of snow, making the skiers very happy -- finally -- as the warmest winter on record inches toward its end. Here on the Cape, there was no snow. There was lots of rain, however, and a lot more wind. Fortunately, while many in Massachusetts lost power, we did not. 

On Wednesday, during a break in the storm, TSO went outside to check on the DBC. It was gone! In its place was a large post that had broken away from something that it undoubtedly had been supporting. 


Gallant fellow that he is, my Liege Man of Life, Limb, and Love, went in search of my beloved chair to determine whether it had been lost at sea or merely relocated. Thankfully, it had merely relocated -- about a quarter mile down the beach.


TSO was not satisfied with merely finding the DBC. He returned it to its rightful place!

Beach Sweet Beach

TSO did not bother himself with returning the post to its rightful place, wherever that may be.  

Now, if we could just get a warm, sunny day. With Daylight Savings Time in place, I can then resume my 5 p.m. sunning sessions on the beach in my dearest Detrital Beach Chair.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Let There Be Light

Daylight Savings Time has arrived. It's nearly 7 p.m., and it is still light outside. I have visions of sitting in the DBC dancing in my head. First, however, we have to get through a big storm on Tuesday into Wednesday.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Almost Time to Panic!

Our lease has been extended through May 27, 2023. That's the good news. The bad news is that we will be homeless on the 28th. More on that later....

Here, it's almost spring, and the Boston area is expecting a big snow storm, in the form of a Noreaster Monday night into Tuesday. More on that later.... 

Here Comes The Sun

Outliving the Queen

As we begin to navigate the budding Carolean era of King Charles III, I am not the first person to observe that, prior to his reign, when th...