Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Seafoam Green

One of my favorite colors in the standard 64-count box of Crayola crayons is seafoam green.

Not My Crayon, Not My Fingers

News flash, Crayola! Sea foam is not green. Well, not here on Cape Cod Bay anyway. Or New Jersey for that matter. I have no recollection of every observing that the sea foam in that state reminded me of my favorite crayon color in any respect. 

Here at the beach house, the sea itself often alternates between various shades of blue and green, especially on bright blue-skyed, sunny days. When the storms -- and their accompanying sea foam -- roll in, it is quite a scene. The sea foam often breaks up into small pieces, which jump around like little sea foam bunnies, almost as though they are chasing each other. They hop and bounce, sometimes over and around each other, in a whimsical, teasing kind of way. 

These bouncing sea foam bunnies do not look like something you'd find in an Easter basket, however. 

No, in my mind and my eyes, real sea foam and its little bunnies look more like the foam atop a root beer float.

Root Beer Float Foam

Sea Foam on the Sand

Or does it?  You be the judge....

1 comment:

  1. Ha hah! This is hilarious. I will take a photo of Ocean Isle's sea foam so we can see what kind of food it reminds us of.


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