Wednesday, January 25, 2023

DBC vs. King Tide

We had another storm roll in over the weekend, which coincided with a king tide yesterday. A king tide is an unusually high tide, which occurs during a full or new moon. We had a new moon on January 21, which was Saturday. 

Now, the detrital beach chair (DBC) was already in a vulnerable position, having been moved from its overturned, embedded, house-facing position in the sand to an upright, seaside-facing position on the sand. How would it hold up to the rain, wind, pounding surf, and king tide? Would my beloved chair be carried out to sea without ceremony, recognition, or even a goodbye? We stood watch, safe and dry, behind our French doored deck, to witness the fate of my most beloved chair.

Of course, before there's a high tide, there's a low tide.

The DBC Presiding Over The Beach At Low Tide

However, the low tide always precedes the high tide. Yesterday was no different.

King Tide Approaches

Soon, it was time for the king tide to greet the DBC.

"Hello," said the King Tide to the DBC
In a flash, the battle was on!

The DBC Digs In

The DBC stood firm in its resolve, refusing to be taken by the sea, despite the onslaught of wave after wave.
Waves Be Damned!

Alas! Despite the good fight, the DBC goes down. 

Ruh Roh

Then it tossed.
And then it turned.
And then it flipped.
And then it flopped.


The king tide twisted, turned, flipped, and flopped the DBC until it came to its final resting place on the other side of the detrital stairs, a good distance from its former position on the beach directly in front of our house.

Final Resting Place

As the DBC lie on its side seemingly defeated, the king tide began to recede. After a while, the DBC's hero, Mr. Bale, went down to the beach, rescued the DBC, and returned it to its rightful location in front of our house.
The DBC Dug Back In

King tide, schming tide. The DBC survived!!

Tonight, there will be yet another storm....



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