Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Return of Calm

The storm has finally taken its leave. Just before darkness fell late yesterday afternoon, the heavy winds had subsided enough for Mr. Bale to brave the elements and roll up the storm shutters. This morning, after three days (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) confined to our little gem by the bay, we awakened to a glorious view: a calm sea and what seemed like extra bright sunshine streaming from our planet's Great Star, which hangs today in a nearly cloudless, bright blue sky. 

After The Storm

The upright blades of sea grass signaled that the air was still and also suggested, in our optimism, that it was warm. I emerged from our cocoon just before 9 a.m. to go to an appointment. According to my cell phone, the temperature was only 29 degrees, but, when I opened the door, the air felt much warmer. I practically skipped from the bottom of our steps along the boardwalk leading to the top of the "Ski Mountain" ramp, which runs from the "summit" of the dune down to the street below. 

The Bottom of the Ramp Looking Up

As I stepped onto the ramp, I was quickly reminded of how still air, without a biting, nipping wind, can fool one into doubting science. Despite my Sperry 1-eye duck boots on my feet, as soon as my right foot hit the top of the ramp, I slipped on black ice that could only exist because, as my phone reported, it was 29 degrees outside. As I grabbed onto the railing of the ramp and saved myself from a nasty fall, I was reminded of the yellow diamond road signs that warn:

We supposedly got nearly an inch-and-a-half of snow here in East Sandwich, but I don't know where it fell. Maybe the snowflakes that were blown past our house landed where the snow is measured? Other parts of the Cape got more than three-and-a-half inches of the white stuff. Snow also accumulated a bit along the coast, including Boston. 
This report would not be complete without giving the status of my beloved detrital beach chair. I am pleased to announce that it is still there!

Still There

Life is good. It really is.

1 comment:

Here Comes The Sun

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